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Aesthetic qualities relate to how we view an artwork and how an artist may have arranged art elements and principles to communicate ideas and style.

Style is the inherent characteristics of a particular art period, either individual or a group, for example the Impressionists. Impressionists used light, colour and brush techniques to create a unique style, these all contributed to the aesthetic qualities in their artworks.

! Tip

Know your Elements and Principles.


Use them correctly to help you answer the questions.





Has a single dimension joining two points. It has length and direction.Words to describe line: straight, erratic, thick, thin, gestural, vertical, diagonal, horizontal, contour etc.


Colour hue, value and intensity are the main characteristics of colour. Harmonious colours are similar and are close together on the colour wheel. Complimentary colours are opposite on the colour wheel ie. red-green, purple-yellow and produce vibrant, clashing effects. 

Words to describe colour: intense, bright, warm, cool, mellow, primary, secondary, tertiary, complimentary, tint, monochromatic, polychromatic, hue, saturation etc.


Tones are black, white and grey. Tone can increase the sense of reality or the three-dimensional. Words to describe tone: harsh, subtle, gradual, dramatic, chiaroscuro, highlights, silhouette, umbre, umbra, ombre, shading, tonal patterns etc.

Texture is the surface quality, from smooth to rough, and can either be felt or observed (literal or implied). Words to describe texture: smooth, rough, natural, irregular, wrinkled, soft, prickly, polished, scratchy etc.

Shape is an area contained with an implied line, or defined by a change in colour, tone or surface material. Shapes have two dimensions: width and breadth. Words to describe shape: organic, geometirc, free-form, organic, regular, irregular etc.


Form describes a three-dimensional area. It can be visual/depicted or physical.

Words to describe form: geometric volumes, spherical, pyramid, ovoid etc.


More elements include Sound, Light, Tone



Balance is the distribution of visual weight in a work of art.
Points to consider when looking at balance: asymmetric or symmetric, comparison of elements and objects, comparison of stillness and movement.


Contrast is the diference in tone, colours, textures, shapes and other elements to draw attention or create a dramatic effect.

Emphasis/focal point

The artist's application of art elements make a part of the composition stand out. Sometimes a single point of focus sometimes a series of visual points of attraction.

Repetition (Pattern)

A regularly recurring motif/ shape/ figure creates a pattern. A motif that occurs irregularly is repetition.


Can be still, anticipated, kinetic, suggested by motion blur. 


Where the use of an element is repeated, creating a sense of movement. Think of musical beats.


Refers to the comparitive size of shapes or form. Scale can be a comparison of sizes or as a ratio of shapes or forms.


Refers to its visual/pictorial depiction or physical use.


Refers to the similar or uniform use of an element that unifies or ties together a composition.


The diverse use of an element creates a more assorted and visually dynamic compostition.

Suggested list of art elements and principles sourced from:

VCAA Studio Arts Study Design 2017-2021 Implementation 2016

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