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Gallery Spaces


Revise and remember for the Exam:


2 Gallery spaces you have visited this year

  • What type of exhibition spaces were they?

  • What was the name/theme of the exhibition?

2 Artworks that you have studied this year

  • Correct spelling of names

  • Dates the artworks were made

  • Where was the artwork displayed?


2 Artists that you have studied this year

  • Correct spelling of names

  • Date they were born/died

Artist-run Gallery

An artist-run initiative is any project run by artists, including sound or visual artists, to present their and others' projects. They might approximate a traditional art gallery space in appearance or function, or they may take a markedly different approach, limited only by the artist's understanding of the term.

Virtual Gallery

A virtual gallery is a digital entity that draws on the characteristics of a gallery, in order to complement, enhance, or augment the gallery experience through personalization, interactivity and richness of content. Virtual galleries can perform as the digital footprint of a physical museum, or can act independently.

Community Environment

Library, council offices, anywhere placed within community buildings. Usually exhibitions are held for free.

  • Curator

In contemporary art, the title curator is given to a person who selects and often interprets works of art. In addition to selecting works, the curator often is responsible for writing labels, catalog essays, and other content supporting the exhibition.

  • Exhibition Designer

An exhibit designer is someone who creates displays and fixtures for largee xhibitions, shows, businesses, museums, libraries, and galleries. They are specially trained in the art of layout and design, and may work exclusively for a museum, gallery, or a private firm.

  • Conservator

A person responsible for the repair and preservation of things of cultural or environmental interest, such as buildings or works of art.

  • Publicist / Promotion

A person responsible for publicizing a product, person, or company.

Public Gallery
Public art galleries are for the public. Artworks are not to sold, but entry fee to see a show or exhibition may be charged. Public galleries are funded by government bodies, private donations, gift shop revenue, entrance fees etc.

Commercial Gallery
Commercial art galleries are professionally run businesses that derive their profit from sales of artwork, therefore take great care to select art and artists that they believe will sell and will enhance their gallery's reputation. This is basically why these are the most difficult to get into but also the most important to be in. They spend time and money cultivating collectors. If the artwork sells, the gallery makes a profit and the artist is then paid.

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