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Where possible try and reference as much information as you can for your artistic sources of inspiration. 
Pinterest and Google are not acceptable sources, find the primary source for images.

  • Name of Artist

  • Name of Artwork

  • Date of Artwork

  • Source - URL or Book etc

  • And the Date you retrieved image from internet
    (eg, Sourced on...)


Quick Tips:


  • Date your folio entries.

  • Write page numbers on your folio pages.

  • Create your visual folio to demonstrate the sequence of process.


  • Evidence your process for authenticity, by taking photos.

  • Your folio should not be a curated book or edited after the fact. Let it evolve creatively, as you evolve creatively.

Visual Diary tips:


1. Think how your folio will stand out amongst the others. Nothing too crazy, but how is yours different? 

2. Show research, inculde gallery pamphlets and comment how the exhibition was inspirational or influencial.

3. Number your pages, and refer back to previous ideas that you are building on further.

4. Use a lot of art terminology. Highlight or underline key points. 

5. Work towards your potential directions by showing layout ideas and discussing how the potential directions refer to concepts and aesthetics outlined in your E.P.


6. For your final directions provide extensive annotation connected to meaning, influences and art terminology.

7. Make sure you use a variety of mediums and methods. Show experimentation and different possible solutions.

8. If you change your idea half way through the semester, its okay as long as the previous idea helped consolidate the new one. Annotate this change and follow on of ideas.

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