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These LEARNING RESOURCES pages have been developed to address the four art disciplines of Drawing, Painting, Printing and Sculpture. Each method has been explored from a starting theme of Site-Space-Sight and have centered around a final focus for the fashion and textiles classroom.

University of Melbourne, Masters of Teaching (Secondary), art discipline workshops begun with a provocation, then explored a process and evolution of ideas towards possible artwork outcomes. Process has been explored as a cycle, a cycle of creation, reflection, reinvention and resolution. Process is never quite complete and the cycle continues in motion. Site is where we have begun, Space is where we are, Sight is our ability to see, and Cite could aptly complete the circle with references to links of previous works or provocations.


David Kolb (1984), suggests that knowledge is continuously gained through personal and environmental experiences. He stated that in order to gain genuine knowledge from an experience, certain abilities are required:
– The learner must be willing to be actively involved in the experience.
– The learner must be able to reflect on the experience. (Kolb., 1984 p. 21)

In these Learning Resource pages I have experienced the artistic process of each art discipline and reflected upon the process as a teacher. 

Images and artworks are presented in these pages to show possibilities for inclusion in the fashion/textiles art and design classroom. My site is fashion and textiles, my space is the classroom and my sight is through an teacher-artist lens.


Kolb, D. (1984). Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.


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All images/artworks on Learning Resources pages created by Amy McLellan 2016


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