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Unit 2: Outcome 1
White Paper Couture 



This unit introduces the ideas of the Individual Studio Process through the exploration of fashion in papercraft. Wearable art constraints and techniques are explored through the development of artworks.


Curriculum context

Context of VCAA:

Unit 2  - Design exploration
This area of study focuses on developing artworks through an individual design process based on visual research and inquiry.

In developing an individual design process, students learn to explore ideas and sources of inspiration.

They experiment with materials and techniques, practise skills and use art elements including line, tone, shape, colour, texture to produce particular aesthetic qualities.

Outcome 1
On completion of this unit the student should be able to develop an individual design process, including visual research and inquiry, in order to produce a variety of design explorations to create a number of artworks.

Key skills

  • the nature and structure of an individual design process;

  • techniques for generating a range of directions and solutions;

  • characteristics and nature of materials and techniques;

  • a range of art elements such as line, colour, texture, tone, form, shape, and an understanding of aesthetic qualities.


Aims / Objectives

At the end of the lesson students will have:

  • An expanded knowledge of Form, Texture, Shape and Line in relation to potential direction

  • Extended their Art language knowledge for the DESIGN PROCESS

  • Extended skills and techniques in paper cutting and stencils

  • Extended Analysis skills in regards to other artworks possible studio processes






Year 11 Student final artworks as seen at the exhibition at Box Hill Shopping Centre, September 2016.


Students were given the opportunity to finalise their creations during a whole day incursion at the school.

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