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Installation art provocations of site, place and the senses, and a whole class collaborative challenge to create an immersive installation were the impetus for this art making.


Immersive installation art



Thinking about a specific site students can respond and create individually and then come together as a whole class to create a work that engages all the senses. Something that you can walk through, listen to and experience. This could be a great exercise in teamwork for students and questions about what constitutes art can be discussed as a result.



Building from concepts explored in the junior years students in the middle years can explore their surroundings in a similar way but create a component of a whole using thread or string. Thread, string or rope could be used to create quite a large group piece that could be hung up in a variety of ways. The idea of immersion could be explored further in the middle years



Senior students could be asked to work in smaller groups and come up with a site specific or immersive textile work around a theme. Students could be asked to think more seriously around the concept of installation art and possibly be challenged with themes of the human existence and life's sustainability. Students in VCE could be asked to design a textiles artwork large or small that has some installation element involved in the construction of it's meaning. My Textile Installation Pinterest page shows many textile installation examples.


Much of the power of textile art comes from the presentation, the hanging, the site, the scale of the work, the viewer perspective and the environment. Perhaps a small scale installation project could assist VCE students to understand the importance of the presentation of their work.





Ideas for textile immersive installation art could be explored in VCE years

Installation art made as a collaboration during Mteach workshop. 

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