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Students were given stencils and a range of materials to create a stencil from; bow pasta, fettucine pasta, gumnuts etc


Finished student collaborative artworks using a stencil and bow pasta.

Below, Spray paint on fabric. right a garment concept.


The provocation for Spray Painting began with ideas around layering. Working in a small group, with nine paper squares, the first stencil layer was created with scrunched and torn paper. We then created stencils from acetate and painted a black layer over the top. Visually I think the exercise would have been more successful if we had used simple geometric shapes instead of more the figurative black stencils. As an exercise in layering this artwork could have been pushed further, time permitting.


Layered Group Painting​

Students could practice knife cutting skills by creating simple shapes out of acetate, cardboard or other material suitable for a stencil. Working in small groups they could practice spray painting techniques. Using a small airbrush with an exhaust fan would allow students to take their time and perfect some blended colors and painting skills. Using the idea of layering students could document the work and continue to apply stencils and layers of paint until there seems no room left. Students could then be asked to evaluate that process. Looking back on the documentation they could choose a stage when they thought it was the right time to stop layering. There is a great skill in know when to pull back and it is a skill that must be practiced.



Students learn valuable social skills and can achieve some wonderful results working together as a team. In a spray painting project that I facilitated students were given stencils and objects to mask out areas. Bow pasta and fettuccine were really effective masks, and by providing the stencils students were able to concentrate on technique and composition.



Combining provocation motivations of layers, sites and landscapes, students could apply these ideas directly to fabric. Layering found objects to create a sense of a landscape. Then using this fabric to create a fashion or textiles artwork.













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