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Sample poster designed by Amy McLellan to show students the expected outcome.

Student work

Year 9 Poster Design


Unit Summary

This unit is designed to provide students with an understanding of three historical design styles, Art Nouveau, Bauhaus, and Manga. Students will evaluate and analyse the visual communication elements, principles, methods and materials and apply these techniques to their own stylistic representations.


Students are required to complete 4 parts to the project; Observational Drawing, Research, Poster Design and Presentation. Students already have a good understanding of Design Elements and Principles. Target Audience, Purpose and Brief will introduce new knowledge and concepts.

Curriculum Context

Using the Victorian Curriculum this unit will address each strand - Explore and Represent Ideas, Visually Communicate Design Practices, Present and Perform, Respond and Interpret.

In levels 9 and 10, students build on their awareness of how

designers communicate ideas with a specific purpose, to a targeted audience, using different visual communication design practices.

Students critically reflect on the contribution of visual

communication designers to various historical and cultural design movements. They adapt ideas and practices from selected designers and use them to inform their own use of aesthetics.

Curriculum Capabilities

Critical and Creative Thinking is included in class discussions around specific design styles and poster designs and in written analysis of the design styles.

Intercultural capabilities are included by examining the Japanese Manga design style. 

Aims & Objectives

● At the end of this unit students will have an ability to analyse and evaluate the visual communications they make and view, and how visual communications from different historical contexts communicate ideas and information.

● Students develop a brief and visualise, generate and develop ideas in response to audience needs.

● They will be able to evaluate, reflect on, refine and justify their

decisions and aesthetic choices.

● Students demonstrate their use of visual communication design skills, techniques, conventions and processes in a range of design fields.

● They manipulate design elements and design principles, materials, methods, media and technologies to realise their concepts and ideas for specific purposes, audiences and needs.

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